Animal Scientist
Skills & Interest
  • Caregiver
  • DIY
  • Math
  • Outdoors
  • Science
  • Technology
The Scoop

The squeamish need not apply for an animal scientist position, since a big part of the job involves studying creatures who are part of the consumer food chain. Animals that get turned into edible products like beef and poultry are one example, though animal scientists can also work with egg-laying hens and dairy cattle. In this role, you'll do research in a lab or in the field and might end up studying genetics, crossbreeding, nutrition, diseases, growth and development, and the process of "production," which is industry lingo for slaughtering. (Did we mention it's not a job for the squeamish?) You might also advise farmers on practical matters such as how to house animals and keep them healthy. Working to help keep the food supply safe and the chance to perform groundbreaking research studies are just a couple of the reasons why animal scientists find their work fulfilling.

The Details

Degree Required
Bachelor's Degree
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Years of College
Years of Additional School
Average Salary

The Impact

These scientists ensure that the animals used in food production are healthy, which affects public safety in a major way.

The Fact

In 2003, animal scientists at the University of Idaho produced the first mule clone.