Biomass Power Plant Manager
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Biomass Power Plant Manager

Skills & Interest
  • DIY
  • Manager
  • Math
  • Science
  • Technology
The Scoop

Biomass! Sounds like the name of some sort of bulky superhero, right? In actuality, it's biological material (like plants, sugar cane, or corn) that's used to create fuel. And as a biomass power plant manager, you'd be in charge of running the daily operations of a factory that makes this kind of biofuel. You'll consult on the construction of new facilities, hire employees, create budgets, purchase equipment, run performance checks, and ensure that everything is running smoothly and safely. Management positions in emerging technologies like biofuel are really good jobs with lots of growth potentialand hey, you're doing something good for Mother Earth, to boot. (Superhero cape is optional.)

The Details

Degree Required
Bachelor's Degree
Years of College
Average Salary

The Impact

Biomass power plant managers work hard to ensure that their facilities are safe for employees, and that the production of biofuel has a limited impact on the environment.

The Fact

Plants in space! That's the gist of NASA's Biomass Production System, a cool project that studies plant growth in low-gravity situations in outer space.