Fish and Game Warden
Skills & Interest
  • Caregiver
  • Manager
  • Outdoors
  • Science
The Scoop

You could say that fish and game wardens head up nature’s police force—they patrol outdoor areas, serve warrants and make arrests when necessary, and generally act as role models in the community. Fish and game wardens work hard to protect wildlife preserves, lakes, parks, and other designated places from careless hunters and visitors. Two super-cool things about this job are that you get to be in the great outdoors a lot, and that you’re a real and true police officer. All it takes is an associate’s degree and a passion to see that plants and animals get justice when they deserve it.

The Details

Degree Required
Associate's Degree
Years of College
Average Salary

The Impact

When animals are hunted carelessly, the ecosystem around them can become damaged and end up hurting humans as wellthankfully, fish and game wardens are there to help stop that from happening.

The Fact

Game wardens were originally created to work for kings way back in historythey would stock the game on the king's land for his hunting parties, but then also protect the animals from unwanted poachers.