Management Analyst
Skills & Interest
  • Manager
  • Math
  • Science
The Scoop

Have you ever been part of a disastrous group project—the kind where you end up fighting with other group members, doing all the work, or turning in a poorly-put-together project after it's due? This can be frustrating. It can also be a very common occurrence in the working world, where people with different personalities, cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and strengths are often thrown together randomly and forced to cooperate. When it comes to solving group problems, even adult group leaders sometimes get stumped. But managers in "the real world" have one secret weapon that you don't: a management analyst. Management analysts can visit a company, observe and interview staff members, look at how employees spend their time and resources, and suggest some possible solutions for improving management—such as creating new benefits or changing the way people are promoted. Usually, management consultants go from company to company, and will spend weeks getting to know each one. So if the idea of teaching, traveling, listening to people's problems, and giving good advice all day long appeals to you, this might just be your dream career.

The Details

Degree Required
Bachelor's Degree
Years of College
Average Salary

Career Video

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The Impact

Management consultants can help show companies how to treat their employees more fairly and make them happy, which usually results in higher productivity for that company.

The Fact

Zappos, a shoe company famed for their creative management policies, keeps workers happy by hosting a yearly talent show, offering free writing classes, and providing life coaches for employees, among many other out-of-the-(shoe)box benefits.