Solar Energy Systems Engineer
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Solar Energy Systems Engineer

Skills & Interest
  • DIY
  • Manager
  • Math
  • Outdoors
  • Science
  • Technology
The Scoop

There's no doubt about it, solar energy has a bright future. As more and more people start using the sun to power their homes and businesses, the solar industry has become one of the country's fastest-growing fields. These specially-licensed engineers, who usually work for private contracting companies, spend their days visiting potential clients who are interested in putting rooftop panels in their home or business. After checking out the space, they design the system and oversee its installation. If you enjoy working with your hands and like the idea of meeting lots of different types of people, this is a career worth investigating. You'll also end each workday knowing that you've helped your clients reduce their carbon footprint while saving money on their monthly electricity bill. Sounds like a win-win to us.

The Details

Degree Required
Bachelor's Degree
Years of College
Average Salary

The Impact

Unlike gas, coal, and oil, solar power is a renewable resource that's environmentally-friendly.

The Fact

The first commercial solar cells date to 1956each produced only one watt of power. Today, the world's largest solar facility is located in California's Mojave Desert and has a capacity of approximately 354,000,000 watts.