Environment Scientist/ Specialist
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Environment Scientist/ Specialist

Skills & Interest
  • Manager
  • Math
  • Outdoors
  • Politics
  • Science
  • Technology
The Scoop

If your science courses are your faves and you want a job where you use knowledge to make the world cleaner, healthier, and safer, you might enjoy environmental work. How do these scientists use their skills? Let's look at water quality. If a reservoir is polluted, an environmental scientist from the government would design an experiment to check the levels, oversee the team collecting data, report to the public and local authorities, and manage clean-up. Environmental scientists are also hired by private companies who want to study the impact of their plans, like when a new factory needs to be built in a remote area. Others work at nonprofit organizations lobbying Congress, writing grants, or educating the public. The great thing about this career is that there are so many options available: The jobs are as interesting and different as the people who do them.

The Details

Degree Required
Bachelor's Degree
Years of College
Average Salary

Career Video

If you are interested in Environment Scientist/ Specialist check out this informational video provided by Careeronestop.org

Watch the Video

The Impact

Environmental scientists and specialists do research that helps us decide how to best allocate our planet's limited natural resources.

The Fact

Environment specialists are helping to rebuild Detroit by testing the soil at former factories and plants and suggesting ways to clean up the lingering industrial waste.