Skills & Interest
  • Math
  • Science
  • Technology
The Scoop

Physicists do not mess around. These top-of-the-food-chain scientists seek to look at the world around us and explain why things happen. From examining the tiniest particle of matter to theorizing about the infinite nature of the universe, physicists are like Sherlock Holmes (without the silly hat). Solving the mysteries of life, they may work in private research laboratories, universities, or for the government. And get this—physicists are doctors! Yep, you'll need to get a PhD, which is sure to make your mom happy. So don't just live in the world—work to understand it, and help others understand it, by becoming a physicist.

The Details

Degree Required
Bachelor's Degree
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Years of College
Years of Additional School
Average Salary

The Impact

Physicists examine the world and develop theories and methods that not only explain how things work, but also help to solve critical problems in the areas of health, energy, and climate.

The Fact

These days, physicist careers are almost becoming trendythanks in large part to the popularity of The Big Bang Theory (where the main characters happen to be physicists).