Waste and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator
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Waste and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator

Skills & Interest
  • Manager
  • Outdoors
  • Science
  • Technology
The Scoop

Whether we're turning on the faucet for our morning shower or filling up a glass on a hot day, most of us take our clean, easily available water for granted. But for a water treatment plant operator, keeping H2O safe is their business. These employees work for either the government or water utility companies, usually overseeing an entire system of complicated machines that deals with either transferring fresh water to areas that need it or treating wastewater (the stuff we flush or pour down the drain), which is sometimes purified and reused for irrigating soil. Their duties might include inspecting and repairing machinery, cleaning tanks, and testing samples of water to ensure that it’s safe for the public (can you say important to-do list?). Due to the chemicals and equipment, working in a plant can be a demanding and sometimes dangerous job. But it's important because more than anything, our planet needs water for survival.

The Details

Degree Required
Associate's Degree
Years of College
Average Salary

The Impact

In what seems like an effortless, magical process, treatment plant operators use technology and ingenuity to move water from natural sources like reservoirs into our taps. They also detoxify the wastewater in drains and sewers so it can be safely released into the environment.

The Fact

Two-thirds of the water used in the Average home is used in the bathroom, because many people take long showers or flush the toilet unnecessarily.