Agriculture and Food Science Technician
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Agriculture and Food Science Technician

Skills & Interest
  • DIY
  • Math
  • Outdoors
  • Science
  • Technology
The Scoop

If science and food are things you love, consider one of these two research-intense jobs, both of which focus on keeping the stuff we eat safe. Agriculture technicians inspect crops, animal food products, and livestock feed to make sure they're all healthy enough to eat. This work is usually done on farms or in processing plants, so it would be ideal for someone who doesn't want to be inside all day. Food science technicians work in labs (usually for research firms or food production companies) testing edible products and ingredients to be sure they pass inspection. The government also needs these techs to monitor compliance for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the demand has increased since the Obama administration passed laws calling for more food inspections. Whatever type of job you have, this work is undeniably important because you're protecting the food supply, which is easy to take for granted in our country.

The Details

Degree Required
Associate's Degree
Years of College
Average Salary

The Impact

As an agriculture or food science technician, you'll be positively affecting public health by working on food safety.

The Fact

Food scientists often make new and notable discoveries: Who would have thought that honey interferes with the growth of bacteria?